In Reflective Network Therapy
Quantity of sessions: A certified psychoanalyst or Board Certified Child Psychiatrist therapist should conduct one hundred individual treatment sessions of 15 or more minutes per child. Four cases are needed, one of them on the autism spectrum. Others should conduct two hundred individual treatment sessions. At that point a preliminary certification will be issued. A satisfactory planned termination of a case will allow full therapist certification in Reflective Network Therapy when the other minimums are met.
Numbers of children: At least four children including one child whose treatment is deemed satisfactorily completed case and whose treatment termination has been discussed with a supervisor.
Quantity of videotapings: Ten satisfactory videotaped sessions should be approved by a supervisor, documenting work with at least four children. One of the four children should be on the autism spectrum. At least one child’s case should later be brought to successful planned termination, and the certificate finalized at that point.
Therapist supervision of teachers: At least ten hours of teacher-therapist conferences should have occurred and their contents discussed cogently with a supervisor as part of the overall supervision of cases.
Parent guidance sessions: A therapist must have conducted 10 sessions and supervised teachers in at least 20 sessions. (Teachers are expected to conduct parent guidance sessions with each child’s parents 3 out of 4 weeks on an ongoing basis to make the network effect sufficiently powerful).
Substitution for videotapes: In the absence of permission to videotape treatment sessions, two detailed case reports and an essay should be submitted for review by the supervisor, who should certify that the products show a grasp of basic features of the method including an understanding of transference and counter-transference issues. Scientific reports and publications are encouraged and, at the discretion of a supervisor, may indicate readiness for certification before other standards are met.